7inc are organizing the concert for the German band ZilpZalp, which will be take on the 24th of July. Opening acts will be Bastos and Zero Fox Given. The event will be held on the terrace of club Quantic, starting with 18 o’clock.
ZilpZalp is a punk rock band from Dortmund, Germany. Their style incorporates progressive passages, combined and accompanied by screamo vocals. The band has two albums to their name, the first of the two being a Demo which contains 2 songs and was released in 2015. The second one was released in 2017 and is entitled „Auf den Versen”. A few themes that the band’s lyrics approach are justice, opinion, loneliness, the past and the compromise, the fear of consequences and their effects, normality and personal feelings and horizons.
Bastos is a screamo band from Bucharest, Romania. The general direction of the band is emo-punk. The band had numerous concerts in their hometown, but also in cities around the country, as well as outside the country. They have two albums, the first of which is a split with the band Pandrea and is entitled ”Split 7” . Their second release was made in March 2017 and is entitled „Second Favorite Person” .
Zero Fox Given is a new pop punk rock band from Bucharest, Romania. The band was founded in 2018 and their only musical release that can be found online is the track „Lanțul Coincidențelor”
The main influences of the band are: „A Day To Remember”,” Neck Deep”,” State Champs”, “The Story So Far”, “Sunrise Skater Kids”.
7inc is a community who promote underground music through self-funding, out of the passion for music and the desire to help, develop and expand the idea of an underground collective. The community is a fusion between 0331 Records (record label), Code Forge (web development and online solutions), HC|RO (booking), Headfullofnoise (community outreach), Psychedelicious (event planner) and VZR Graphics (artwork and graphic design).
Online Presale: First 25 Tickets – 20 Lei
After Presale and @ the Door – 25 Lei
Event program
Doors Open – 18:00
ZilpZalp- 21:00
Bastos- 20:00
Zero Fox Given – 19:00