Concertul Horizon of the Mute se muta in Club Hybrid

Miercuri 17 mai 2017, ora 20:00

Din cauza faptului ca Presa Pub s-a inchis, concertul Horizon of the Mute si Sphera Noctis se muta in Club Hybrid. Locatia se afla in centrul Bucurestiului, pe strada Ion Campineanu nr. 16. Celelalte date ale concertului raman neschimbate.

HORIZON OF THE MUTE (slow dark doom metal/Finlanda)

Horizon of the Mute  este proiectul solo al lui Jani Koskela (ex Let Me Dream, ex 0xist). Lansat in 2015, Horizon of the Mute propune un amestec de slow dark doom/death metal cu drone, industrial si influente electronice.


SPHERA NOCTIS (landscape metal/Bucuresti)

O neasteptata revenire pe scena, dupa o pauza de 12 ani! Pornit la drum ca o trupa pagan/black metal, in 2017 Sphera Noctis se reinventeaza ca proiect solo al lui Irinel Cirlanaru, propunand o noua abordare, misterios invaluita in etichetarea “landscape metal”!  O muzica originala, pentru un public cu gusturi fine!

Miercuri 17 mai 2017, ora 20.00 (ora de la care se permite accesul publicului).


Pret acces: donatie, pentru acoperirea costurilor de transport si de cazare

Pe durata concertului sunt permise fotografiatul si filmatul. Este interzis accesul cu bauturi aduse din afara clubului. Stand de CDuri si tricouri la acest concert.

Eveniment sub egida Metal Under Moonlight.


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Because Presa Pub closed, the concert moved to Hybrid Club which is located on Ion Campineanu,  nr. 16.

HORIZON OF THE MUTE (slow dark doom metal/Finlanda)

Horizon of the Mute is a musical project by Jani Koskela. The project was started in 2015. Horizon of the Mute mixes slow and dark doom/death metal oriented music with drone, industrial and electronic influences.

SPHERA NOCTIS (landscape metal/Bucuresti)

After 12 years of break, Sphera Noctis comes again on the stage. It was created from the ashes of a former band called Awakening the Dragon. In 2017 it is the solo project of Irinel Carlanaru, a total opposite of what it was, something more different called “landscape metal” .

Access: by donation.

Wednesday, 17 may, 8 pm.

You can bring your camera with you !

Event by Metal Under Moonlight

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