Darkest Era to play for the first time in Romania by sharing the stage with Bloodway.
On the 3rd of November, 2017, the third edition of Guest Metal Night will take place in Fabrica Club from Bucharest. This time, The Guest presents for the first time in Romania a show featuring the Irish group Darkest Era, a compelling blend of heavy metal and Celtic influences that are specific to the band’s place of origin. Along with the Irish band, Bloodway will hit the stage, the ghost from Bucharest, which shows its face among the listeners of high-end heavy metal less and less. The band takes the stage after a nine-month absence and will bring a completely new show, which will include lots of tracks that will be played for the very first time.
DARKEST ERA: https://darkestera.bandcamp.com/
BLOODWAY: https://bloodway.bandcamp.com/
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1883839151904278/
Darkest Era in premiera in Romania, alaturi de Bloodway.
Pe data de 3 noiembrie 2017, in Club Fabrica din Bucuresti, va avea loc cea de a treia editie Guest Metal Night. De data aceasta, The Guest prezinta, pentru prima data in Romania, un show al grupului irlandez Darkest Era, un melanj irezistibil de heavy metal si influente celtice, specifice locului de provenienta. Alaturi de formatia irlandeza va canta Bloodway, „fantoma” bucuresteana care se arata din ce in ce mai rar ascultatorilor mai sofisticati de heavy metal. Aceasta revine pe scena după o absenta de noua luni, cu un show complet nou, ce va include foarte multe piese noi, ce vor fi ascultate live in premiera.
DARKEST ERA: https://darkestera.bandcamp.com/
BLOODWAY: https://bloodway.bandcamp.com/
Eveniment pe facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1883839151904278/