Interview with The Moon and the Nightspirit

Neo-Medieval Folk

Hi Mihály! Thank you for accepting this interview! How did 2017 begin for you?

Thanks for the opportunity! 2017 begun wonderfully, as we finished the writing and recording  of our new album, and we are very satisfied with the outcome. Busy times ahead: album release, and a lot of live shows. A quite intense and exciting period.


I’ve listened to your album which will be released in March 17, Metanoia, and I was quite intrigued with the title, which is also the title of one of the most beautiful songs on the record in my opinion. Is the title derived from the Christian spirituality, or does it have a broader meaning? Also, tell us more about the concept of this album, and how can we get it.

We use the word “Metanoia” in a philosophical/metaphysical manner. This way it does not mean repentance as in the Christian tradition but it refers to a turning point, a returning to the original and pristine path of existence. A spiritual awakening to an inner golden age of innocence and unity, the realization that we are all part of the same source, a unity with Nature, the starry Universe and with our own divine self.. This transcendental theme is the main concept of the new album, and is best summarized by this quote from Hungary’s greatest philosopher, Hamvas Béla: „ The golden age is not a historical era but a condition and, as such, it is present all the time; the only thing it depends on is whether there is someone to realize it.. .” This album is a small contribution to this idea and maybe a little help for those who walk the same path.


Since your music has such an otherworldly vibe, I have to ask – what place does religion / spirituality occupy in your life? And how does that reflects in you compositions?

Spirituality is an important part of our life. Every album represents our spiraling path, every time from a different, hopefully evolved and higher aspect. It’s a musical and also a spiritual journey through which we explore ourselves and the world around us.  Our views and the philosophies, ancient traditions we feel close to ourselves and are adoptable by us  are manifested and expressed  through our music.


Was it a challenge for your music to gather fans since the lyrics are mostly in Hungarian? Are the translation of the lyrics available somewhere?

We use the Hungarian language because this is the best way to truly express ourselves and we also think that Hungarian has a very nice and magical tone and fits perfectly well with our music. There are, or will be English translations for all of our songs.


You were performing several times in Romania before. I remember first seeing you live in 2012 in Rasnov, at Ghost Fest. Do you have good memories from there? Tells us about some of them.

Yes absolutely. Ghost Fest was a wonderful festival at a wonderful location. We are truly honored to had the opportunity to play there .The whole festival had a very unique atmosphere. We really enjoy playing in Romania as the audience is always very kind and honest.


How familiar you are with the scene in Romania? Are there any Romanian musicians you’d like to share the stage with or collaborate, maybe?

We played several shows with Negura Bunget. We feel a strong connection between our music and theirs regarding spirituality and the nature oriented approach. It would be very interesting to do something together one day.


Is there any place you never performed before and you’d like to?

There are a lot of places we have never performed before and would love to. We received a lot of offers from South America for example. It’d be very nice to do a tour over there but it’s something that is very hard to organize. Let’s hope the best.


Are there any new albums that you discovered and you would like to share it with the people reading this interview? Do you listen to Metal in your spare time, or mostly Neofolk?

We really love the new album of Darkher that just came out recently through Prophecy. We listen to all kind of music, metal as well. Our all-time favorites are the older albums of My Dying Bride and Tiamat, Wildhoney being our no.1 metal album.  From the more recent era I’d personally choose Thy Catafalque as the one i listen most frequently.


What is your opinion regarding the underground music scene today?

Strong and diverse. A lot of interesting bands to choose from.


Again, thank you for your time. Any last words for Din Intunerec Magazine readers?

Thanks for the interview. In the following months we will play some live shows in Romania to present the songs of the new album. Hope to see you all there!

You can see The Moon and the Nightspirit live, with Irfan, in one of the following cities in Romania. Follow the link of facebook events for more information and tickets:

Timisoara, Daos Club, April 19th:

Cluj Napoca, The National Theatre, April 20th

Bucharest, Quantic Club, April 21st:




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