Hello dear Jari, it’s a pleasure to talk to you! Thank you for making some little time to answer my questions. The second Enshine album is released. Tell me more about it. Are you satisfied with the final result?
Howdy dear Miruna! Yes it is just out and my anticipation is high to see the response to it! It is a slightly more aggressive but also more dynamic album compared to our debut, but still has a lot of the same vibes and atmospheres. Yes, I am satisfied with the results.
What was your initial reason to form Enshine and how did the collaboration with Sebastien started?
I came across his project Cold Insight on Myspace around 2009/2010 when I was working with some early demo versions of songs that ended up on Origin. Feeling that the music was in a similar style and mood I got in touch with him and we started to discuss some ideas. By chance it also turned out he was already working on some graphics together with one of my bandmates at the time, for a band I was actually in, but I wasn´t aware of that haha.
Tell me about the artworks. This one and the previous one are both about stars/constellations etc. Why this theme? what does inspires you when you are in your „creation” moments?
Seb makes all our graphics and he works a lot in his daily job with graphics related to science and space for example. So he has a big interest in these subjects. I guess another source of inspiration is Science Fiction movies, games etc, which I am a fan of also.
Is Enshine the link between Slumber and Atoma?
Enshine is the sum of our combined influences and past musical experiences, or at least those that we see fit to combine. Slumber and Atoma would definitely be one part of that.
How do you feel when you look back? How did it all started?
I never look back! Other than to analyze and compare and figure out how to improve things. Other than that I don´t see much point in it as the future is a lot more interesting to explore.
What’s your main goal that you want to achieve with your band, Enshine?
I pretty much just want to write, record and release the best albums I can. To make something special and memorable. I think most of all I want is to make the kind of music I would like to listen to myself but don´t always find out there in the world.
When we should expect for a concert in Romania? Are there any plans for a tour now the album has been released?
We don´t have any specific tour plans no. I guess we will have to start small if we decide to get started on the live part of things. For example doing some local gigs here before going outside of Sweden. But even that is a challenge as we are currently just 2 guys living in different countries. But with that said, Romania is the only country I have played outside Sweden so far and it was a great experience for sure so I would love to come there again!
Is it hard to find guest/ session musicians?
It is hard to find people with the right playing style and skills, definitely! Trying to find musicians who have those but also a real passion for doom/death in Stockholm is nearly impossible I reckon. So there is certainly a reason that we still don´t have a live line-up and that I record most of the instruments myself..
Lyrics are go straight to the heart. Especially in song Resurgence. who is writing them?
Seb has all the credit for the lyrics. I´m sure he would be pleased to know that!
So, dear Jari… it seems that we came to an end. Thank you very much for all your answers and for your time also. Is there anything else that you would add?
Thank you! Well it seems I always have trouble coming up with some “famous last words” , but I hope that you will enjoy “Singularity” on this quite special day for us, finally coming out after more than 2 years of working on it!