Interview with ICS Vortex

Borknagar, Arcturus, ex Dimmu Borgir

Hello & first of all I am beyond honoured to do this interview with you! Thank you for accepting my invitation! To begin with I am gonna ask you’ve been in this music industry now for many years now; how did it all start?

– My first full length album with Borknagar , the 1998 “The Archaic Corse – marked the step up from underground to the industry. – But I made up my mind at thirteen listening to Kiss Alive. – It was music or nothing. Not recommend really. And I really don’t want to end up like any of my childhood idols.


Arcturian does contain a lot of elements from the previous albums, but also has a couple of new things to offer. Tell us a bit about the story behind it

Like every other Arcturus album, Bork or Dimmu album I participated on for that matter, it’s a collection of the very best songs we could collectively muster. Sverd is still using his 1992 Ensoniq as his main keys and this way the atmosphere is easy recognizable. And we experimented with some friends, ha ha that sounds so good I just leave it at that.


What can you tell us about the artwork? As far as I know it’s done by Costin Chioreanu.

Costin is a genius period. He is a fan of the band and we are fans of his artwork. I really don’t want to say more than that. Some things are better to viewed than to explained.


Last summer you were in Romania with Borknagar (great performance btw) and this year you’ll come back with Arcturus, at the same festival. Do you like Romania? How do you see the Romanian public?

Everyone loves Transylvania. The majestic mountains and the lore. I have not enough experience in Romania to get proper insight with the rest of your country I’m sorry to say. The few times I have visited though has always left me wanting coming back for more. I love the fact that Vlad is a very common name, (as it should,) and the pleasure of taking with a cool guy named Vlad with a stereotypical and yet stunning English accent always makes me extremely happy.


After so many years of being around in this “business” if I can call like this, what’s the same? What’s different? What’s shocking? What do you think about the nowadays metal scene compared to the old one?

The music industry is the place where dirty cowboys and sensitive artists meet. A slippery playground of promises and betrayal and this will never change I think. There is in my opinion so much shit out there I would loose my religion fast if it wasn’t for the few surprises every now and again that blow my mind and inspire for more. Nothing’s shocking. I’m waiting for the first artist to commit suicide on stage. It wouldn’t be shocking just another whatever. I’m not considering myself a part of any scene any longer so I really don’t know. I compose because it still gives me a euphoric kick putting riffs together and as long as anyone wants to listen I’ll preform. From the little I have seen not that much has changed since I started in the business.


Can you tell me something remarcable from touring? Like a special place you played or the oddest stage you played on?

Can’t remember the name of the festival but it was in Finnland and the backstage was a little sandy beach by a lake. I was the only one there from Dimmu, but all the catering was there. It was a long day swimming in the lake with vodka and when we finally hit the stage I was even more drunk than Peter Steele opening for us. Makes me proud. We played on the back of a truck in Texas once without makeup in 1999 I think with Dimmu. I compensated with Jack Daniels. He he. Oops. So much ridiculous stuff has happened. If I only remembered half of it I could probably write a children’s book.

Do you miss the Dimmu Borgir era?

We where so young and so full of ourselves. I miss being a prick and getting away with it.


When can we expect for a new Arcturus album?

Somewhere in time. I would predict within one year. One song is already recorded. Can’t promise shit though. We are not on a schedule.


Thank you for doing this! Much appreciated ! Last words belong to you…

See you in Transylvania and please impale us on a sticks if we suck.

Arcturus facebook

Borknagar facebook

Rockstadt Extreme fest Event here

——Interview by Miruna Vitriol———

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