Death metal band Immolation delivered a ferocious and captivating performance at Quantic Pub in Bucharest on June 29th. Originating from Yonkers, New York, and active since 1988, Immolation is renowned for their intense themes of anti-religion, atheism, and societal critique. Following the show, band members Robert “Bob” Vigna and...
As previously announced, the American death metal gods Immolation will shake the stage at Quantic pub from Bucharest on June 29th. Following the release of their long awaited new album Acts of God (2022) the band has been very active announcing more and more live shows, at famous festivals...
Alright, folks, ’tis time to crank up the volume on some good ol’ death metal!And who better to lead the charge than the legendary IMMOLATION? No strangers to our shores, get ready for Immolation to unleash some ‘Acts of God‘ on the Quantic stage come June 29th 2024. In...
Ill Reasoning, a metal band hailing from Chile, unleashed their latest single Immolation last summer. It’s a track that encapsulates the band’s dedication to creating hard and heavy music without compromise. Following their self-titled debut EP, Immolation continues to explore the depths of metal… Drawing inspiration from the raw...
Get ready for the next wave of announcements to hit as well as the daily lineup!...
We are happy to bring you the news of Sincarnate joining the Atonement Tour presented by Massive Music (Official site) this September across Europe. The tour headlines Immolation and Melechesh and will consist of 21 dates all across Europe, including two shows in Romania (Bucharest Sept.18th & Cluj-Napoca Sept.19th)....