dark bombastic evening

  • Wolvennest, Dold Vorde Ens Navn and (Dolch) confirmed for DBE 10

    Another three names were added to the Dark Bombastic Evening 10 poster: Wolvennest, Dold Vorde Ens Navn and Dolch: Wolvennest or WLVNNST is a musical partnership project with Kirby Michel (La Muerte), Corvus von Burtle (Cult Of Erinyes) and Marc De Backer (Mongolito) proposing a compositional process of guitar loops,...
  • First bands confirmed for Dark Bombastic Evening 2020

      Ved Buens Ende is a Norwegian avant-garde metal band. Their sound is diverse with quiet instrumental jazz influenced sections and aggressive black metal blast beats and vocals. Ved Buens Ende means “By the end of the bow” referring to the mythological rainbow Bifröst. Ved Buens Ende was formed in Oslo in 1993 by the drummer Carl-Michael Eide and guitarist Vicotnik, who were then joined by bassist Skoll. Prior...
  • The Tenth Dark Bombastic Evening Ritual was confirmed

    The meeting of DBE is formed mainly through the wholehearted engagement of a fragile community, by people coming from all over Europe and not only. It could be said that they are the “die-hard fans”. Some come from the very beginning, others have joined in later, perhaps even for...