Are you ready for Pain & Ensiferum? Better be, cause they are performing live tomorrow night at Quantic Club. This marks the first out of their two concerts on Romanian soil, part of their “I AM ON TOUR” european adventure which totals 17 countries and 33 cities. The Swedes...
We don't think you're ready for what's to come...
Ladies and gents, without further ado please say hello to: Satyricon, The Flower Kings, Borknagar, MONUMENTS and TAINE! Satyricon (NO) is a black metal band formed in Oslo in 1991 that was originally named Eczema. Satyr and Frost have been the band’s core members since 1993. The band’s first three albums typify...
On October 21st, 2023 get ready to receive Saturnus (DK) with open arms on Quantic Club‘s stage. Joining them will be their friends from In the Woods (NO) and The Foreshadowing (IT) And if you want to delve deeper into the history of the bands all you have to...
PSYCHOSOUNDS FEST will take place on 22-23 September 2023 in Quantic Club, Bucharest. We offer you 2 days of good music with 14 metal bands, a very welcome location and a lot of merchandise. Festival passes are available via iaBilet – 150 RON (30 EUR) – EarlyBird first 150...
Photo gallery of the crowd at ARTmania 2023, as seen through the lens of Valentin "DieRatte" Diaconescu......
Photo gallery from the third day of ARTmania 2023, as seen through the lens of Valentin "DieRatte" Diaconescu...
Photo gallery from the second day of ARTmania 2023, as seen through the lens of Valentin "DieRatte" Diaconescu...
Photo gallery from the first day of ARTmania 2023, as seen through the lens of Valentin "DieRatte" Diaconescu...