The musical journey that Edyakaran, the post metal band born from the ashes of In Tormentata Quiete has just started, will lead in March 2025 to the release of their debut album Pantheon. The ten track full-length will come out with a cover art realized by Luca Antoniazzi.
Pantheon builds as a musical narration about the intimate human evolution exploring ancient worlds and modern sonorities with post metal, avantgarde black metal, progressive and noise, being the guidelines of this journey in a way which can be similar in nature and originality to that of bands like Cult Of Luna, Isis, Russian Circles and God Is An Astronaut.
The result is an extreme and delirious album at the same time and Edyakaran will be the absolute protagonists of this new journey.
Antonio Ricco talks to us about the concept behind Pantheon:
“What makes a man, Man? I imagine a world where man evolves from the animal stage to the next thanks to “gifts”. In a place where the supreme “creator” allowed his “divine” children to live in close contact with his most successful creation. Above all, 4 of them got so involved with them that, out of love or envy, they gave them gifts that led Man to be such! It is up to the supreme creator, the Alpha, to decide whether his creature or what he has become deserves to live or not. Before deciding, however, he will summon the 4, Love, Hunting, War and Art to better understand their gifts”.
1. Alfa
2. Primo Passo
3. Amore
4. Secondo Passo
5. Caccia
6. Terzo Passo
7. Guerra
8. Quarto Passo
9. Arte
10. Omega
Lorenzo Rinaldi (guitars)
Francesco Paparella (drums)
Antonio Ricco (keyboards)
Matteo Meli (bass)
Special guests: Simone Lanzoni, Gregory Sobrio and Irene Petitto (vocals), Marco Beccati (growl vocals)