Dordeduh – interview with Hupogrammos

Dordeduh - about the years dedicated to music

-Dordeduh – about the years of music:

We talked about Dordeduh with Hupogrammos.

First of all, allow me to congratulate you for the ten years during which Dordeduh enriched our lives. Also, thank you for accepting this interview.
These years have brought us an album (“Dar de Duh” -2012) and an EP (“Valea Omului” -2010). Although this is quite a limited record activity, Dordeduh is a band so alive in the hearts of fans. What do you think makes your music so present in the public consciousness?

Thanks for your kind words. I don’t think I can judge why Dordeduh is so alive in the hearts of fans. But I’m very glad it is. Probably our music and message represent a small slice of the sum of the emotional, spiritual and, why not, intellectual needs of the listeners. For us, it is a joy to see that, despite the limited activity of the band, people still follow us.

-During the anniversary show at Quantic Club, you sang three new songs from a future album. Can you tell us more about this upcoming album and when should we expect it to come out?

Initially, I had planned to finish all the material to be registered by the end of January, but my health did not allow this and we are already late to the initial plan. Most likely, the album will be released this fall. The rest of the details related to the songs from the album I’d rather not to discuss yet, because they are still subject to change and most likely not all the prepared pieces will be included in the final material.

-The new pieces have a more progressive vibe; will you keep this feature throughout the album? Will it be more melodic?
I personally find them less progressive, but I am subjective. Honestly, I care less about the label that will be placed, as long as they reach people’s hearts.
-What is the band’s ideology? Do you have new ideas that you will express in the new record material?
As the texts are not yet finalized, I would prefer not to comment on their message yet. But they will certainly not be something unusual for our listeners. They’re the basic themes we deal with in our music: humanity and spirituality; this time probably a more practical spirituality, more applicable in everyday life.
– Is Dordeduh music a challenge? An attempt to get the listener out of the comfort zone?
I could say it is. We are known for our musical diversity and with this, it is inevitable that the listener will not go through various perceptual states if he is involved in listening to the songs. Some of these are not always in the listener’s comfort zone. But most of the times the intention and the story behind the music is like the events of everyday life: with ups and downs. The deeper and more authentic the insight, the more cathartic the enlightenment.
– Where do you see yourself as a band in the future? Is success more important,  or what gets to the public?
In general, I strive not to have expectations and not to make assumptions. I think we will be where we need to be and where we can be. Of course, our target is what reaches the public, but listeners must understand that success is important as it can provide continuity in your musical activity. If the fans do not come to shows, do not pay an entrance ticket, do not buy the band’s merch, the band has no way of surviving. And, at the moment, daily survival takes as much time as creativity. We would like to be able to be more active and more dedicated to the band, but unfortunately, the band cannot produce as much as we need to be able to survive from doing this. Therefore, we “steal” more time here and there – to be able to have continuity. But under the current conditions, when you cannot devote time to development, creativity or, even, generally speaking, your elevation as a musician, you cannot produce 100% of what you could do. And everyone has to lose from this because the professionals disappear; the possibilities for new important bands to appear are low.  Pink Floyd could never be born in such conditions. Today, people have even less support and framework to perfect themselves in the musical arts; they no longer have the chance to go and dedicate themselves to a musical career. Nowadays music can no longer be viewed seriously, but rather as a hobby that will pass you by. I am convinced the musicians of my generation and not only are familiar with the question: “And … how are you doing? Do you still sing? “Yes dear, I still sing. It still hasn’t happened to me. I haven’t matured yet!
– Can you share some methods/processes for writing songs?
We certainly do not follow any formula. The most creative moments are those where the inspiration comes on its own. Such moments are rare and an artist appreciates them to the maximum. There are those moments when you have a certainty that what is born is the right thing. But you cannot create such moments on request; they come and go just as they came: suddenly. The rest is vision.
-How do you feel the Romanian audience compared to the one abroad? Are Romanians more dedicated fans? Do you think that the Romanian public has changed over time?
Do you know what’s interesting? I have been receiving this question for more than 20 years in Romania, but nobody from “outside” approached me with such a comparison. Metalheads are a big family, a community, perhaps the most homogeneous community on the planet. They have almost the same commonplace almost everywhere, regardless of race, skin color, political, religious or I do not know what. I am glad I am a metalhead 🙂 And the Romanians are just as stupid, or smart as the ones abroad; just as obnoxious, or as passionate; as extreme, or united. It’s a family, with the good and the bad.
-You had many concerts abroad. You are appreciated there; did you ever intend to leave, to settle in another country?
I personally had this thought, but not due to the fact that we are appreciated, but because of the living conditions here, which are precarious and because there has been an intellectual cleansing for some years in our country and it is difficult to feel “at home” in Romania. When we get to the moment when we will no longer have any nature that will make us feel “at home”, because we are headed for this situation, then we really will have nothing. No identity, no nature.
– Where do you get your inspiration from? The Romanian folklore and spirituality source is obvious, but more precisely? Legends or myths? Folk songs from your area? Or visual art, film, literature?
I personally have never had folklore as a source of inspiration. I did not listen and most likely I will not listen to folklore. It is probably a personal matter, but there are very few folk songs that can tell me something; In addition, in the Romanian folklore, there has been no innovation for more than 200 years. Look at the bored faces of those who sing folklore, but also those who listen to it. “Rub” the same songs, the same score until death. Folklore no longer produces feeling, no longer produces authenticity, because no one feels it anymore. It is no longer modern. It no longer speaks the human tongue, it speaks no more to the hearts. On the other hand, it is good that the folklore values ​​have been preserved and that we still have a sample of what has been sung for over 200 years. But on the other hand, it is not acceptable that nothing new has been created in this direction. There were no musicians who could truly live this path, which would make a significant contribution and provide a direction in the history of Romanian folk music. Our song “Dojana” is our humble and unadvised contribution in this direction.
But to get back to the initial question, my inspiration is drawn from the few impersonal experiences and experiences I have, from time to time and which do not have much to do with real life.
– Is “Dar de duh” structured as a concept album?
Yes. “Dar de duh” is a conceptual album born around the principle of number 7. Basically, with” Dar de duh” we continued our “tradition” adopted by Negura Bunget to assign to each album a numerological principle. The central aspect of this album is related to the 7 spiritual hierarchies and the evolution and development of the spirits during the journey in their budding. This budding I associated it with different personifications of the 7 days of the Romanian culture, but also other traditional cultures, with the 7 planets of ancient astrology, where the week begins with Saturn (Saturday) and ends with Venus (Friday). I also associated the resonance that each planet has, with the 7 energy centers of man that also each have a specific vibration; words that resonate with these vibrations …
Even though we have studied a lot for this album, and things may seem very complicated from an intellectual point of view, our approach has been as intuitive as possible, and the album certainly does not address our intellectual side, but our heart, our soul. So we invite people to feel the album rather than rationalize it.
-What music do you like to listen to?
Unfortunately, I don’t listen to music anymore, because my whole life revolves around music. Being a recording engineer, everything I do in the studio is related to music, when I do live sound it’s still about music, with the band it’s music again. I came to appreciate the peace of mind and to enjoy it as a child when I have it.
-In your live gigs, so far you have used several folk instruments (toaca, tulnic), will you study other traditional instruments? Will you experiment musically in this regard?
For the future, we would like to bring two shows on the stage: a “normal” one, as the one before, with 4 members on the stage, where additional sounds are played from a sampler. It is our most “low cost” solution that does not involve logistics and additional expenses. These are probably the shows that we will held in our tours. And we would also like to present from time to time some more special shows, with an extended line-up, where we can come up with more traditional instruments on the stage and where we can put on stage some songs that, interpreted in this way, have a different vibe. Of course, this option is much more expensive for us and for promoters and we cannot put it on stage anywhere, as there are certain logistical aspects specific to such shows.
-Why don’t you perform in Romania more often?
First of all, we would not like people to get bored with us. And we have a rule: we sing at most twice a year in a city. But I know that lately we didn’t have many concerts either abroad or here. The truth is, we don’t want to bore the audience with the same songs. Since I never had the opportunity to do something new, mostly because of the events in my personal life, I didn’t sing as much any more. Now, with the release of the new album, I hope to return more frequently, both in Romanian scene and abroad.
-What are your plans  from now on?
Well, now we are stuck with the album’s recording and producing, which we deal exclusively with and is a much more elaborate work than most would imagine. There are certain steps that need to be completed after a certain previously established “strategy”. Most of the times the plans do not match and then, delays occur. It’s an intense time for us now. But in general, the plan is to record the album, to release it and to promote it as good and through as many shows possible. Most likely, the album will be released in fall and will have a promo tour here and one abroad, afterwards we will see. 🙂
Thank you very much.
And I thank you for your interest and attention.
HERE is a review of the then year anniversary show of Dordeduh at Quantic Club.
We will meet Dordeduh at Dark Easter Metal Meeting 2020 in Munich.
Romanian version below:
In primul rand vreau sa va felicit pentru cei zece ani in care Dordeduh ne-a imbogatit vietile. Si sa va multumesc pentru ca ati acceptat acest interviu.

Acesti ani au insemnat un album (“Dar de Duh”-2012) si un EP (“Valea Omului”-2010). Desi  destul de restransa activitatea discografica, Dordeduh este o trupa vie in inimile fanilor. Ce credeti ca face ca muzica voastra sa fie atat de prezenta in constiinta publicului?

Multumim pentru cuvintele frumoase. Nu cred ca pot eu judeca de ce Dordeduh este o formatie vie in inimile fanilor. Insa ma bucur mult ca este asa. Probabil ca muzica si mesajul nostru reprezinta o felie mica din suma necesitatilor emotionale, spirituale si de ce nu, intelectuale ale ascultatorilor. Pentru noi este un motiv de bucurie sa vedem ca, in ciuda activitatii restranse a formatiei, oamenii inca ne urmaresc.   

-In concertul aniversar din Clubul Quantic, ati cantat trei piese noi de pe un viitor album. Ne puteti spune mai multe lucruri legate de acest viitor album, si cand sa ne asteptam sa apara?

Initial intentionasem sa terminam tot materialul de inregistrat pana la sfarsitul lui ianuarie, insa starea mea de sanatate nu mi-a permis asta si suntem deja in intarziere fata de planul initial. Cel mai probabil ca albumul va fi lansat in toamna acestui an. Restul detaliilor legate de piesele ce-l compun as prefera sa nu le discut, deoarece sunt inca supuse schimbarilor si cel mai probabil ca nu toate piesele pregatite vor ajunge pe materialul final.

-Piesele noi au un vibe mai progresiv fata de compozitiile de pe “Dar de Duh”; veti mentine aceasta caracteristica pe tot albumul? Va fi mai melodic?

Mie personal mi se par mai putin progresive, dar eu sunt subiectiv. Sincer, imi pasa mai putin de eticheta care se va pune, atata timp cat ele vor ajunge la inimile oamenilor.

-Care este ideologia trupei? Aveti idei noi pe care le veti exprima in noul material discografic?

Cum textele inca nu sunt finalizate, as prefera sa nu ma pronunt inca cu privire la mesajul lor. Dar cu siguranta nu vor fi cu nimic neobisnuite ascultatorilor nostri. Sunt temele de baza pe care le tratam in muzica noastra: umanitatea si spiritualitatea; de data asta probabil o spiritualitate mai practica, mai aplicabila in viata de zi cu zi.

-Este muzica Dordeduh o provocare? O incercare de a scoate ascultatorul din zona de confort?

As putea spune ca este. Suntem cunoscuti pentru diversitatea muzicala pe care o abordam si odata cu asta este inevitabil ca ascultatorul sa nu parcurga diverse stari perceptuale, daca este implicat in ascultarea pieselor. Unele dintre acestea nu sunt intotdeauna aflate in zona de confort al ascultatorului. Dar de cele mai multe ori intentia si povestea din spatele muzicii este asemeni evenimentelor din viata de zi cu zi: cu urcusuri si coborasuri. Cu cat este mai adanca si mai autentica introspectia, cu atat este mai cathartica luminarea.

-Unde va vedeti peste ani ca trupa? Este mai important succesul, sa fiti cunoscuti, sau ceea ce ajunge la pubic?

In general ma straduiesc sa nu am asteptari si sa nu fac supozitii. Cred ca vom fi unde va trebui si unde vom putea sa fim. Desigur, tinta noastra este ceea ce ajunge la public, insa ascultatorii trebuie sa inteleaga ca succesul este important in masura in care iti poate oferi continuitate in activitatea muzicala. Daca lumea nu vine la concerte, nu plateste un bilet de intrare, nu cumpara materialele formatiei, formatia nu are cum sa supravietuiasca. Iar in momentul de fata supravietuirea zilnica ne mananca mai tot timpul cat si creativitatea. Ne-ar placea sa putem sa fim mai activi si mai dedicati formatiei, insa din nefericire formatia nu poate produce nici macar pe aproape cat am avea nevoie pentru a putea supravietui din cantat. Asadar, mai “ciupim” timp de ici – colo pentru a putea avea continuitate. Insa in conditiile actuale, cand nu poti aloca timp dezvoltarii, creativitatii sau, chiar general vorbind, elevarii tale ca muzician, nu ai cum sa produci 100% din ce ai putea face. Si din asta toata lumea are de pierdut, caci dispar profesionistii; dispar posibilitatile de a aparea formatiile cu adevarat importante. Un Pink Floyd nu s-ar putea naste niciodata in astfel de conditii. Astazi oamenii au cu atat mai putin cadrul si suportul pentru a se perfectiona in arta muzicala; nu mai au sansa de a parcurge si de a se dedica unei cariere muzicale. In zilele noastre muzica nu mai poate fi privita serios, ci mai degraba ca un hobby, care-ti va trece candva. Sunt convins ca muzicienii din generatia mea si nu numai sunt familiari cu intrebarea: “Si… ce mai faci? Mai canti? “ Da dragilor, inca mai cant. Inca nu mi-a trecut. Inca nu m-am maturizat!

-Ne puteti impartasi cateva metode / procese prin care compuneti piesele? 

Cu siguranta nu urmarim nici o formula. Cele mai creative momente sunt acelea in care inspiratia vine de la sine. Astfel de momente sunt rare si un artist le apreciaza la maxim. Sunt acele momente in care ai o certitudine ca ceea ce se naste atunci este ceea ce trebuie. Insa nu poti crea la comanda astfel de momente; ele vin si pleaca la fel cum au venit: subit. Restul este viziune.   

-Cum simtiti publicul roman comparativ cu cel din afara? Sunt romanii mai dedicati sonoritatilor de factura asta? Credeti ca s-a schimbat in timp publicul roman?

Stiti ce este interesant? Ca primesc intrebarea asta de mai bine de 20 de ani in Romania, insa nimeni din “afara” nu m-a abordat cu o astfel de comparatie. Metalistii sunt o mare familie, o comunitate, poate cea mai omogena comunitate de pe planeta. Au in mare aceleasi obisnuite cam peste tot, indiferent de rasa, culoare, apartenenta politica, religioasa sau mai stiu eu ce. Eu ma bucur ca sunt metalist 🙂 Iar romanii sunt la fel de prosti, sau destepti ca cei de afara; la fel de ingnoranti, sau pasionati ca cei de afara; la fel de extremi, sau uniti ca cei de afara. Este o familie, cu bune cu rele. 

-Ati avut multe concerte peste hotare. Sunteti apreciati acolo; ati avut gandul sa plecati, sa va stabiliti in alta tara? 

Eu personal am avut acest gand, insa nu datorita faptului ca suntem apreciati, ci pentru conditiile de trai de aici, care sunt precare si pentru ca se petrece o epurare intelectuala de ceva ani in tara noastra si este greu sa te mai simti “acasa” in Romania. Cand vom ajunge in momentul in care nu vom mai avea nici natura care sa ne faca sa ne simtim “acasa”, caci catre asta ne indreptam, atunci chiar nu vom mai avea nimic. Nici identitate, nici natura.

-De unde va inspirati? Sursa folclorica si spirituala e clara, dar mai precis? Sunt legende? Cantece populare din zona natala? Sau poate arta vizuala, film, literatura?

Eu personal nu am avut niciodata folclorul ca sursa se inspiratie. Nu am ascultat si cel mai probabil nici nu voi asculta folclor. Probabil ca este o predilectie personala, insa sunt foarte putine piese folclorice care sa-mi spuna ceva; in plus, in folclorul romanesc nu exista innovatie de mai bine de 200 de ani. Uitati-va la chipurile plictisite ale celor care canta folclor, dar si al celor ce asculta folclor. “Freaca” aceleasi piese, aceleasi game pana la moarte. Folclorul nu mai produce traire, nu mai produce autenticitate, pentru ca nimeni nu-l mai simte. Nu mai este actual. Nu mai vorbeste pe limba oamenilor, nu mai vorbeste inimilor. Pe deoparte este bine ca s-au prezervat valorile folclorice si ca mai avem o mostra a ceea ce se canta de peste 200 de ani. Insa pe de alta parte nu este acceptabil ca nu s-a creat nimic nou in directia asta. Nu au aparut muzicieni care sa traiasca autentic aceasta cale, care sa contribuie notabil si sa ofere o directie in istoria muzicii folclorice romanesti. Piesa noastra “Dojana” este aportul nostru umil si neavizat in directia asta.

Dar ca sa ma intorc la intrebarea initiala, inspiratia mea se trage mai degraba din putinele experientele si trairile impersonale pe care le mai am, din cand in cand si care nu prea au treaba cu viata reala.

-Este “Dar de duh” structurat ca un album concept?

Da. :Dar de duh” este un album conceptual creat in jurul principiului numarului 7. Practic cu “Dar de duh” am continuat “traditia” noastra adoptata si la Negura Bunget de a atribui fiecarui album un principiu numerologic. Aspectul central al acestui album este legat de cele 7 ierarhii spirituale si de evolutia si dezvoltarea spiritelor pe parcursul calatoriei in devenirea lor. Aceasta devenire am asociat-o si cu diferite personificari ale celor 7 zile din cultura romaneasca, dar si alte culturi traditionale, cu cele 7 planete din astrologia antica, unde saptamana incepe cu Saturn (sambata) si se termina cu Venus (vinerea). Am asociat de asemenea rezonanta pe care o are fiecare planeta, cu cei 7 centri energetici ai omului care de asemenea au fiecare o vibratie specifica; cuvinte care rezoneaza cu aceste vibratii…

Chiar daca am studiat mult pentru acest album, iar lucrurile pot parea foarte complicate din punct de vedere intelectual, abordarea noastra a fost una cat se poate de intuitiva, iar albumul cu siguranta nu se adreseaza partii noastre intelctuale, ci inimii, partii sufletesti. Asadar invitam oamenii ca mai degraba sa simta albumul, decat sa-l gandeasca.

-Ce muzica va place sa ascultati?

Din nefericire eu nu mai ascult muzica, caci toata viata mea se invarte in jurul muzicii. Fiind sunetist, la studio tot ceea ce fac este legat de muzica, la sonorizari iarasi muzica, cu formatia tot muzica. Am ajuns sa apreciez cu toata fiinta linistea si ma bucur de ea ca un copil cand am parte de ea.

-In specatcolele de pana acum ati folosit mai multe instrumente populare (toaca, tulnic), veti studia si alte instrumente traditionale? Veti experimenta muzical in acest sens?

Pentru viitor am dori sa aducem pe scena doua show-uri: unul “normal”, ca pana acum, cu 4 membri pe scena, unde sonoritatile aditionale sunt redate de pe un sampler. Este solutia nostra mai “buget” care nu implica logistica si costuri aditionale. Sunt probabil showurile pe care le vom sustine in turneele noastre. Si am mai dori sa prezentam din cand in cand si niste show-uri mai speciale, cu un extended line-up, unde sa venim cu mai multe instrumente traditionale pe scena si unde sa putem pune pe scena anumite piese ce, interpretate astfel, au o incarcatura diferita. Desigur aceasta varianta este mult mai costisitoare pentru noi si pentru promoteri si nu o putem pune pe scena oriunde, fiind nevoie anumite aspecte logistice specifice unor astfel de showuri.

-De ce nu cantati mai des in Romania?

In primul rand nu ne-ar placea ca lumea sa se plictiseasca de noi. Si noi avem o regula: cantam maxim de doua ori pe an intr-un oras. Dar stiu, in ultima vreme nu am mai avut prea multe cantari nici in tara, nici in strainatate. Adevarul este ca nu dorim sa obosim audienta cu aceleasi piese. Cum nu am mai avut ocazia sa facem ceva nou, in mare pare din cauza evenimentelor din viata mea de familie, nici nu am mai prea cantat. Acum, odata cu lansarea albumul nou, sper sa ne reintoarcem mai constant, atat pe scena romaneasca, cat si in strainatate.

-Ce planuri aveti de acum incolo?

Pai acum suntem prinsi cu inregistrarea si productia albumului, de care ne ocupam noi in exclusivitate, ceea ce este o munca mult mai elaborata decat si-ar imagina majoritatea. Exista anumite etape ce trebuie parcurse, dupa o anumita “strategie” stabilita in prealabil. De cele mai multe ori socotelile de acasa nu se potrivesc cu cele din targ si atunci intervin amanari samd. E o perioada intensa pentru noi acum. Insa, in linii mari, planul este de a inregistra albumul, de a-l lansa si de a-l promova cat mai bine si prin cat mai multe showuri. Cel mai probabil albumul va aparea in toamna si va avea parte de o promovare intr-un turneu in tara si unul in strainatate, dupa care mai vedem. 🙂

Multumesc mult.

Si eu iti multumesc pentru interes si atentie.

Photos from the ‘Ten Years Anniversary party” taken by Gheorghe Paraschiv HERE

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