Syn Ze Sase Tri-interview

Alex Mihai from Syn Ze Sase Tri interview

Syn Ze Sase Tri was established in 2007 at the initiative of Alex “Corbu” Mihai, Andrei “Hultan” Ionescu and Paul “Strigoi” Bologan, who found the optimal way of expressing music and ideology through black metal.

The band was founded with the intention of promoting stories, fragments of history, fairy tales and folk customs from the vast, mystical and old Romanian culture, from the pre-Christian stories. At the same time, through the images that complement the music and the concept, they try to promote the most important and beautiful relics, sites and places with historical load in the Romanian culture.

I talked to Alex Mihai (guitar, voice) about what’s new in the band.
As a first question, I would like to find out from you, what have you been doing lately, because it was quiet in your camp, after the release of the new album “Zăul moș”.  
Howdy. Indeed it was a period of “quiet” so to speak. We had changes in the band, but the most important thing is that we started working on a new studio album, which is about 80% complete… So, although we didn’t have too many live appearances, now we have the finest and most complete line-up of what this band has had so far, and I can say it with my heart that the new album will be one that will definitely become the favourite for many fans.
Are there any changes in the band’s line-up? Who are the members of the Syn Ze Sase Tri and what else do they do in their free time?  
Yes. I have near me devoted people, and first of all,  honest ones who are totally in this band. In the current line-up, I, (Alex Mihai) on guitar and vocals, Paula Gherasim on keys and violin, Istvan Lengyel on guitar, Dan Tarcea on bass, Dragos Tigaeriu on vocals and our new drummer Mihai Puscasu. As for what everyone does, I can say we are common people, we work, learn, study, live our lives as we can, but we are united by this desire to make Syn Ze music.
As a band, you approach less accessible music; Do you think this kind of manifestation (both musical and stylistic), is meant to illuminate the listener?    
I don’t think of it as less accessible music. This may be a label that should not exist. We have a song, we have a feeling and we have dynamics. Besides the extreme metal, we have a lot of influences from other genres that we had the courage to incorporate into Syn Ze Sase Tri music, and the fact that we had the honour to collaborate with the greatest musicians of Romanian rock and metal is a proof. In addition, everyone can find meaning in our music, or better to choose what they like best. As for the enlightenment you were saying, I think it should come from within each one, from the essence of each one. We are just trying to present a story that contains many legends, customs and traditions and even historical pieces from what concerns us as a nation. Unfortunately, as each day passes, these cultural values ​​are lost and their place is taken by other tasks that do not define us.
A classic question: where do you get your inspiration from? What inspires you? Both musical and stylistic.
As I said above, inspiration comes from us, from what we read, from what fascinates us, from nature, from legends from the roots we have. Others rebel through social or political matters. We try, by our aggressive style, to sound an alarm signal. Let’s not forget the roots, not to forget who we are and although we want to evolve as people or as a nation, let us not forget that ahead of us, were thousands of years of history and tradition that have paved the way that we follow today.
Is there an ideology behind the band? Are there any common elements that unite the four Syn Ze Sase Tri full-lengths?  
Of course. Since 2007, when I wrote the first song, I started a story. Each album is a chapter, each track is a sequence. And besides the lyrics, each album has its own story, which can be found in the booklet. If you read them in order, you will see that they are connected, and you can somehow sense what is about to happen. We are already approaching chapter 5. The new album. But in order to fully understand, we are trying to encourage listeners to search and study what lies behind our tracks. To read about history, folklore, traditions, mythology, and they will understand even better what we want to express. Music is just the background that carries the message.
You are also known for the prominence of images in terms of albums. Who takes care of the graphics? To what extent would you consider it a part of the music itself?
For me, the image is very important. As I said in the past: it is one thing is to see Aida at the Opera played in modern clothes and a different thing is to see those performers dressed as the composer imagined. Exactly what the opera, acting + music + image means. The visual part must accompany the auditory part. These are two of the main senses that we have as humans. We try by image to outline even better what we want to convey through music and lyrics, and at the same time, this visual presentation defines us as a band. The world knows that we are defined by blood, that we sing dressed in armour. On the graphic side, Jan Yirlun from Darkgrove Design from Finland, a graphic artist who collaborated with some of the biggest names in the world metal, and with whom we had an excellent collaboration,  gave birth to the images that represent each album.

Are there any other projects you collaborate with?  
Yes. There is also a project besides Syn Ze Sase Tri, called Raven’s Heart. In this project, we are 4 members of Syn Ze. It is a project at the opposite end of syn ze, a sincere and full of romanticism, but we can talk about this project in another interview.

Are there any news about the upcoming album?  
As I said above, we are at 80% of the new album. We look forward to completing and coming up with more details. We are as impatient as you.
Will there be new concerts?
In the spring of next year (2020) we already have some concerts planned, and we want to connect a few more to take a short tour. We are about to announce them soon.
How do you think the metal scene will evolve in the next span? Both the Romanian and the international one?
It is difficult for me to answer this question. We, as a country, cannot compare with what is even in Hungary. From what I notice, there are fewer and fewer clubs where one can sing and fewer and fewer people at concerts. I hope for a good evolution and I hope that we will reach out as well. We have very good bands, extraordinary instrumentalists who have asserted themselves better outside the country than they did here. I think it’s all about the lack of organizers and the places where everyone can express themselves properly. We are limited from this point of view, but, again I say, I hope that all this will change for the better.
The band is already 12 years old. What does this span represent for you and how has it fulfilled you? 
I must admit that I am proud of what I have achieved in these 12 years. I had only valuable colleagues near me, and because of them, I did everything that Syn Ze means today, but the public was on our side. Even though it was hard, a titanic amount of work and many things I only know, it was worth it. I am happy every time I see that in front of us at concerts there are people who respect us and support us, and that drives us to go forward. It’s not just for us. It is an energy that we transmit, which grows in those who receive it and which is transmitted further, and that means a lot to me. It has been 12 difficult years but beautiful, and I hope there will be many more from now on.
How is the album “Zăul moș” different from “Stăpîn peste stăpîni”?
“Zaul mos” was, perhaps, the most complex album as a story but also as music. We had the pleasure and the honour to collaborate with the biggest and the finest people in rock and metal music in Romania. For me, it was like a dream come true because many of them I admired from childhood, and I wanted to be like them on stage, to sing like them and with them, and here’s the dream come true. I have to thank them this time and every time. And I can’t help but remember them. Nicu Covaci, Costin Adam and Cristi Gram from Phoenix, Titi Dragomir, Andy Ionescu from Taine, Alin Moise and Adrian Marias from Moise, Costel Lapusneanu from God, Aura Danciulescu from Scarlet AuraKempes, Andy Ghost from Altar, Robert Dohar, but also those with whom we collaborated on previous albums, Alin Dinca from Trooper, Bogdan Luparu and Manu Giugula from Bucovina, Andrei Oltean from E-an-na, Adrian Ghercea from Argus Megere and Negura Bunget, Iulia Szabo from the National Opera in Timisoara.
Do you want to send a message to your fans?
As I have said many times before, the most important thing is to be you. As you feel, as you wish. Don’t let anything change you, and support the Romanian bands and music scene. Regardless of gender. Nobody gets rich from this. All this is a chain all this and you are an important link. Without you, we would have no one to sing to, without us and other bands, you would have nothing to listen to, and without us and without you there would be no clubs and festivals where we can meet and enjoy rock music, free spirit and what makes us rockers. Stay pure, stay under the wolf sign!
Furor Lupus! Furor Syn Ze Sase Tri!
Thank you very much for your time and patience, good-luck and look forward to new concerts!
Thank you too and see you more and more often!
Syn Ze Sase Tri a fost înființată în 2007 la inițiativa lui Alex „Corbu” Mihai, Andrei „Hultan” Ionescu și Paul „Strigoi” Bologan, care au găsit modul optim de exprimare muzicală și ideologică prin  black metal.
Trupa a fost fondată cu intenția de a promova povești, fragmente din istorie, basme și obiceiuri folclorice din vasta, mistica și bătrâna cultură românească, din perioada precreștină. În același timp, prin intermediul imaginilor ce completează muzica și conceptul, se încearcă promovarea celor mai importante și frumoase relicve, situri și locuri cu încărcătură istorică din cultura românească.
Am stat de vorba cu Alex Mihai (chitara, voce) despre ce mai e nou in trupa.

Ca si prima intrebare, as vrea sa aflu de la voi, ce-ati mai facut in ultimul timp, pentru ca a fost cam liniste in tabara voastra, dupa lansarea celui mai nou album, “Zăul moș”.

Salutare. Intr-adevar a fost o perioada de “liniste” sa zic asa. Am avut schimbari in componenta trupei, dar cel mai important este ca ne-am apucat de lucru la un nou album de studio, la care suntem cam la 80% din ceea ce inseamna munca pentru a-l aduce in forma pe care noi ne-o dorim. Asa ca desi nu am avut prea multe aparitii live, acum avem cea mai faina si inchegata formula din cate a avut trupa asta pana in prezent, si pot spune cu mana pe inima ca si noul album o sa fie unul care cu siguranta o sa devina favoritul multora din fanii nostri.

Sunt ceva schimbari in componenta trupei? Cine sunt membrii trupei Syn Ze Sase Tri si ce alte preocupari au in timpul liber?

Da. Am langa mine acum oameni dedicati, si in primul rand super faini si care se regasesc total in trupa asta, ceea ce e foarte greu de gasit. In componenta actuala sunt eu (Alex Mihai) la chitara si voce, Paula Gherasim la clape si vioara, Istvan Lengyel la chitara, Dan Tarcea la bass, Dragos Tigaeriu la voce si noul nostru tobar Mihai Puscasu. Cat despre ce face fiecare, pot spune ca suntem oameni simpli, muncim, invatam, studiem, ne ducem traiul asa cum se poate, dar suntem uniti de dorinta aceasta de a face muzica Syn Ze.

Ca si trupa abordati o muzica mai putin accesibila; crezi ca genul asta de manifestare (atat muzical cat si stilistic), are menirea de a ilumina ascultatorul?

Eu unu nu o consider o muzica mai putin accesibila. Asta poate e o eticheta care nu ar trebui sa nu existe. Avem melodie, avem sentiment si avem dinamica. Pe langa metalul extrem avem o gramada de influente din alte genuri pe care am avut curajul sa le incorporam in muzica Syn Ze Sase Tri, iar faptul ca am avut onoarea sa colaboram cu cei mai mari muzicieni ai rock-ului si metalului romanesc, e o dovada in plus ca fiecare se poate regasi in muzica noastra, sau si mai bine sa aleaga ce ii place cel mai mult. Cat despre iluminarea de care spuneai, cred ca aceasta ar trebui sa vina din interiorul fiecaruia, din esenta fiecaruia. Noi doar incercam sa prezentam o poveste ce contine multe legende, obiceiuri si traditii si chiar farame de istorie din ceea ce ne priveste ca neam. Pacat ca pe zi ce trece aceste valori culturale se pierd si locul lor este luat de alte treburi care nu ne caracterizeaza.

O intrebare clasica: de unde va luati inspiratia? Ce va inspira? Atat muzical cat si stilistic.

Cum am zis mai sus, inspiratia vine din noi, din ceea ce citim, din ceea ce ne fascineaza, din natura, din legende din radacinile pe care le avem. Altii se razvratesc prin chestii sociale sau politice. Noi incercam prin stilul nostru mai agresiv, atat ca muzica cat si ca imagine sa tragem un semnal de alarma. Sa nu ne uitam radacinile, sa nu uitam cine suntem si desi ne dorim sa evoluam ca oameni sau ca natiune, sa nu uitam ca inaintea noastra au fost mii de ani de istorie si de traditie care au batatorit calea pe care azi noi o urmam.

Exista o ideologie in spatele trupei? Exista elemente comune care unesc cele patru albume Syn Ze Sase Tri?

Desigur. De fiecare data am spus. Din 2007 de cand am scris prima piesa, am inceput o poveste. Fiecare album e un capitol, fiecare piesa e o secventa. Iar pe langa versuri fiecare album are o poveste a lui, care se regaseste in booklet. Daca le citesti in ordine, ai sa vezi ca se leaga, si poti oarecum sa si intuiesti ce urmeaza sa se intample. Deja ne apropiem de capitolul 5. Noul album. Dar, ca sa intelegi pe deplin, noi incercam sa incurajam ascultatorii sa caute si sa studieze ceea ce e in spatele pieselor noastre. Sa citeasca despre istorie, despre folclor, traditii, mitologie, si vor intelege poate si mai bine ce dorim noi sa exprimam. Muzica e doar fundalul care poarta mesajul.

De asemenea, sunteți cunoscuți pentru proeminența imaginilor în ceea ce privește albumele. Cine se ocupa de partea grafica? În ce măsură ați considera că este o parte a muzicii în sine?

Pentru mine unul este foarte importanta imaginea. Cum am mai zis si in trecut. Una e sa vezi Aida la opera jucata in haine moderne si una e sa vezi acei interpreti imbracati asa cum imaginat compozitorul. Exact ceea ce inseamna opera, actorie + muzica + imagine. Partea vizuala trebuie sa insoteasca partea auditiva. Sunt doua din principalele noastre simturi pe care le avem ca oameni. Incercam prin imagine sa conturam si mai bine ceea ce dorim sa transmitem prin muzica si versuri, si totodata aceasta prezentare vizuala, ne si defineste ca si trupa. Lumea stie ca suntem aia plini de sange care cantam imbracati in armuri. De partea grafica, s-a ocupat Jan Yirlun de la Darkgrove Design din Finlanda, un artist grafic care a colaborat cu unele din cele mai mari nume din metalul mondial, si cu care am avut o colaborare excelenta, care a dat nastere imaginilor care reprezinta fiecare album.

Exista si alte proiecte la care colaborati?

Da. Mai exista un proiect pe langa Syn Ze Sase Tri, numit Raven’s Heart. In acest proiect suntem 4 membri din Syn Ze. Este un proiect la extrema opusa fata de syn ze, un proiect sincer si plin de romantism, dar despre acest proiect poate vorbim in alt interviu.

Exista noutati referitoare la un nou album?

Cum am zis mai sus, suntem la 80% din noul album. Asteptam cu nerabdare sa finalizam si sa venim cu mai multe detalii. Suntem si noi la fel de nerabdatori ca si voi.

Vor urma noi concerte?

In primavara anului viitor (2020) avem deja cateva concerte planificate, si dorim sa mai legam cateva sa facem un mic tur. Urmeaza sa le anuntam in curand.

Cum crezi ca va evolua scena metal in perioada urmatoare? Atat cea romaneasca cat si cea internationala?

Imi este greu sa raspund la aceasta intrebare. Noi ca tara nu ne putem compara cu ce este nici macar in Ungaria, dapai la nivel european. Din ce observ, sunt din ce in ce mai putine cluburi unde sa se poata canta, si din ce in ce mai putini oameni la concerte. Eu unu sper la o evolutie in bine si sper sa ajungem si noi ca in afara. Avem trupe foarte bune, instrumentisti extraordinari care s-au afirmat poate mai bine in afara tarii decat au facut-o aici. Cred ca totul tine de lipsa organizatorilor si a locurilor in care sa se poata fiecare exprima asa cum trebuie. Suntem limitati din acest punct de vedere, dar, inca o data zic, sper sa se schimbe in bine toata treaba asta.

Trupa implineste 12 ani deja. Iti inchipuiai la inceput ca vor trece atati ani si ca veti scoate albume ce vor incanta fani? Ce reprezinta aceasta perioada de timp pentru tine si cum te-a implinit?

Trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt mandru de ce am realizat in acesti 12 ani. Am avut langa mine numai colegi de mare valoare, si datorita lor am facut tot ce inseamna azi Syn Ze, dar si publicul a fost de partea noastra. Chiar daca a fost greu, o munca titanica, si multe lucruri pe care le stiu doar eu, a meritat. Ma bucur de fiecare data sa vad ca in fata noastra la concerte sunt oameni care ne respecta si ne sustin, si asta ne impinge sa mergem inainte. Nu o facem doar pentru noi. E o energie pe care o transmitem, care creste in cei ce o primesc si care se transmite mai departe, si asta pentru mine inseamna enorm. Au fost 12 ani grei dar frumosi, si sper sa fie multi si de acum inainte.

Cu ce este diferit albumul “Zăul moș” fata de “Stăpîn peste stăpîni”?

“Zaul mos” a fost poate cel mai complex album ca si poveste dar si ca muzica. Am avut placerea si onoarea sa colaboram cu cei mai mari si mai faini oameni din muzica rock si metal din Romania. Pentru mine a fost sa zic asa un vis implinit, pentru ca pe multi dintre ei ii admiram din copilarie, si imi doream sa ajung ca ei pe scena, sa cant ca ei si cu ei, si iata ca visul mi s-a implinit. Trebuie sa le multumesc si de data asta si de fiecare data. Si nu pot sa nu ii si amintesc. Nicu Covaci, Costin Adam si Cristi Gram de la Phoenix, Titi Dragomir, Andy Ionescu de la Taine, Alin Moise si Adrian Marias de la Moise, Costel Lapusneanu de la God, Aura Danciulescu de la Scarlet Aura, Kempes, Andy Ghost de la Altar, Robert Dohar, dar si pe cei cu care am colaborat pe albumele anterioare, Alin Dinca de la Trooper, Bogdan Luparu si Manu Giugula de la Bucovina, Andrei Oltean de la E-an-na, Adrian Ghercea de la Argus Megere si Negura Bunget, Iulia Szabo de la Opera Nationala din Timisoara.

Doriti sa transmiteti fanilor un mesaj?

Cum am zis de foarte multe ori, cel mai important e sa fiti voi. Asa cum simtiti, asa cum doriti. Nu va lasati schimbati de nimic, si sustineti trupele si scena muzicala romaneasca. Indiferent de gen. Nimeni nu se imbogateste din asta. E un lant toata treaba asta si voi sunteti o veriga importanta. Fara voi, noi nu am avea pentru cine sa cantam, fara noi si alte trupe, voi nu a-ti avea ce sa ascultati, si fara noi si fara voi nu ar mai exista nici cluburi si festivaluri unde sa ne intalnim si sa ne bucuram de ce iseamna muzica rock, spiritul liber si ceea ce ne face sa fim rockeri. Ramaneti puri, ramaneti sub semn de lup!

Furor Lupus! Furor Syn Ze Sase Tri!

Multumesc mult pentru timp si rabdare, mult succes si asteptam noi concerte!

Multumim si noi si sa ne vedem cat mai multi si cat mai des!

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  • Syn Ze Șase Tri confirmed for Dark Troll Fest 2020 – Din Intunerec
    3 February 2020 at 8:20 am
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