On April 18th Zammorian releases the official music video for Shapes — the piece that concludes the “Batbayar” set from The Theory of Absence [Pt. I] LP, which will be launched on May 10th at Control Club Bucharest. The production is the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration within the Zazen/Kraftmark collective, with filming by Klaus-to-Phobia, visuals by Awkwarizmi and DOP + editing by Rite & Kraftmark. The video is released on the Official Zammorian YouTube Channel here: https://youtu.be/4xtDQtgbe10 Zammorian about the new video: “Shapes represents the conclusion to a long journey. It wraps up the segment that tells of Batbayar — the main character of the set of the same name on The Theory of Absence [Pt. I] LP — wandering through the wastelands. He is a young man from a far-away planet, who has to complete a coming-of-age ritual in solitude, so that he may join the ranks of men in his tribe. This passage demands he travel through the steppes and deserts and within that loneliness discover a lost language, written in the stars. Only by deciphering it will he be able to find his way back home. After many days, with almost all of his strength gone, in a feat of will he has an epiphany and finds something far more than a language, something beyond his dreams. Something that will transform him forever and that will open up a new road, not towards home, but towards his pivotal place in the future of humanity. This music video is released with less than a month to go to the official launch of the first part of the double LP The Theory of Absence, a concept album. The show features live visuals by Awkwarizmi and is presented by Liveland. It will take place in Control Club on Friday, May 10th 2019. More details here .
As the release of The Theory of Absence approachs, more and more stories from the Zammorian narrative universe will be revealed.