HAKEN will perform for the first time in Bucharest on March 27, 2019!
The concert will take place in the Quantic Club.
HAKEN is one of the most important progressive bands in the new wave. From 2007 to the present, the British have released several studio materials, each of which manages to break new barriers to innovation and creativity.
The new Haken album, “Vector”, has surpassed even the musicians’ expectations, as Charlie Griffiths, the guitarist of the band, even said. The disc follows the band’s creative line from 2016 – a progressive direction infused with heavy accents. HAKEN will arrive in Bucharest during the “European Vector Studies 2019” tour.
As support act we have Gramofone.
Tickets are available electronically on www.eventim.ro, www.iabilet.ro and in the physical network iabilet.ro/ network: Flanco Stores, Metro Unirii 1 near the Metrorex Ticket Office, Music Store, IQ BOX-Telekom Stores, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Hard Rock Cafe, Libmag Libraries (6th IC Bratianu Boulevard, District 3), Perfect Tour Agencies.
Tickets have the following prices:
PRESALE – 80 lei
At the Door- 100 lei
Partners: Rock FM, InfoMusic.ro, iConcert.ro, BestMusic.