Preview “Lucifer” A Rock Opera, will be a musical adaptation of “Luceafarul”. It will be composed by Adrian Tabacaru and will take place in January, 2019 in Bucharest.
Constantly mentioned, discussed and highly popularized, “Luceafarul”, the longest love poem written by Mihai Eminescu remains, like any classic written work, in the attention of the Romanian masses, because of the educational programs, as well as of those who study literature everywhere around the world.
The perfection of the musical composition from Eminescu’s poetry is already a subject that has deep roots in the discussions of those who make reference to this written work, regardless of era, but the paradox appears when we observe that musical adaptations do not exist in Romanian contemporary culture, inspired by Eminescu’s work. Drummer Adrian Tabacaru wants to change this and enthusiastically announces that he has composed the rock opera “Lucifer”, of which the preview will take place in Bucharest.
The name Adrian Tabacaru has a special resonance in the Romanian rock and metal scene, even if the musician migrates without any difficulty between the mentioned genres and jazz fusion, electronic and even classical music. Tabacaru has studied music since his childhood, studying piano at the “Dinu Lipatti” school of music, after which the percussion instruments appeared in his life, in which he would later specialize at “Universitatea Nationala de Muzica Bucuresti” , which established a very important role for him in orchestra music. Meanwhile, he formed the progressive death metal band “Taine” with vocalist and guitarist Andy Ionescu, which can be considered a pioneering move, considering the evolution of the Romanian underground scene in the first part of the 90’s.
“Lucifer: A Rock Opera” includes the work of several active artists from different local and international cultural scenes, artists such as:
- Eugen Brudaru in the role of Hiperion
- Maria Hojda in the role of Catalina
- Razvan Krivach in the role of Catalin
- Iustinian Zetea – bass (vocal style)
- Dominic Cristea – baritone
- Laura Mihaila – vocals
- Dragos Cretu – vocals
- Andrei Ionescu – vocals
- Andrew Pleavin – narrator
- Olimpia Malai – angels
- Raluca Sratulat – violin and viola
- Andreea Timiras – cello
- Adrian Buciu – flute
- Sebastian Burneci – trompet
- Constantin Urziceanu – clarinet
- Sergiu Dan Feier – oboe
- Petre Iftimie – guitar
- Andrei Popa – guitar
- Alexei Nichiforof – bass guitar
The composer mentions that he found inspiration in the complexity of “Faust” directed by Silbiu Purcarete.
The libretto is signed by Ioana Ieronim, who is a well known contemporary figure, poet, essayist and translator who represents the Romanian art and culture overseas with elegance and mastery. On the literary side, Tabacaru was assisted by Anisoara Moraru.
“Lucifer: A Rock Opera” will be made available for the public on the day that marks the birthday of the great Romanian poet, on the 15th of January, in Bucharest in club Control. Besides the music, the show will also include a visual creation of Costin Chioreanu, who has made himself know through visual projections at shows such as My Dying Bride, Wardruna, Paradise Lost and Enslaved.