Friday, April 13rd, 2018 marked the date that Mother`s Cake and two other bands will take the stage at Club Quantic in Bucharest. The show started at 9:30 p.m. and I arrived barely on time. Am Fost La Munte si Mi-a Placut, a local band, took the stage and immediately impressed with their sound. They definitely had quite some fans compared to other local bands I’ve witnessed in the area, as about a quarter of the venue began to fill up. They kicked the night off with an interesting take on post-rock incorporating major progressive elements, and an eerie, underlying guitar riff underneath it all. Making everything with a strong sense of humor, the band describe itself being “a relatively new Romanian post-rock musical project about going up mountains and enjoying oneself”. The setlist was long enough to make us realize the band`s virtuosity. We have listened to songs like “S-a rezolvat .Nu se poate”, “Susurul raurilor care curg in jos, sau in sus, depinde cum te uiti” and the most wanted: “Nu faci dumneata ordine la mine pe birou”. The band didn’t disappoint putting on one of the most entertaining sets, complete with band playing pranks towards each other on stage.
Unflicted hit the stage and surprisingly they blew the atmosphere with some catchy tunes. I heard them for the first time on some local radio station, making me a good impression. Their style is somewhere between alternative with stoner influences.
Only half of the show was done at this point. Although I was pretty excited about the entire gig package, Mother`s Cake were the main reason I came to the show. I’d recently discovered them and, to be honest, I liked the alternative sound. Mother`s Cake are a picturesque band, and one that you can tell enjoys being on stage every minute up there. They offered an expansive list of tracks throughout their storied career, sampling songs from their 2017 album “No Rhyme No Reason” all the way back to their debut album “Realitricked Me” from 2010.
Overall, it was an enjoyable and unforgettable journey. Mother`s Cake, a class act privileged with unequivocal musical talent and a versatile vocal range perfect for turning metal numbers into soft acoustic versions touched our hearts. Catchy riffs and impeccable guitar skills captivated the crowd throughout the set and delivered a triumphant performance with sheer perfection.