Hello guys! For who isn’t familiar with When Icarus Falls, can you please introduce the band to our readers?
When Icarus Falls is a Swiss band that has been around since 2007. We’ve been into heavy built up sounds since the beginning and we somehow manage to bring a “cinematic touch” to our music along the way that really defines what we play: a good blend of hazy atmospheres and loud riffs. So far, we have released three albums, played more than a hundred shows in Europe and China and we’re coming back with “Resilience” our brand new album.
I really like the new album Resilience and I also really enjoyed your previous ones. Very nice impact to one’s feelings. How long did you spent on recording it? Why is this one special? Do you consider it better than the previous ones?
We spent a little bit more than two years to compose and record “Resilience”. We wanted to explore new sound landscapes, step away from the typical post-hardcore riffs. We were searching primarily for pleasure, which we found through the integration of new influences like electronic music, middle east traditional instruments, touareg blues. It really took time to find our way through it before being able to write the first song, but then the whole album came out very naturally. I think it’s a special one because we tried to explore a new art direction. At least in the sense that we did not simply add new components to our musical universe, but took the risk to break from our habits.
Are there any specific messages or stories you would like to get across with your music? Who is in charge with the lyrics?
When Icarus Falls is a catharsis for us. It’s all about rage, despair, anger and emotions that can somehow submerged us during our everyday life. “Resilience” is in its essence the main subject around which revolves different songs. It might be resilience in love, great battles we fight on a daily basis or to simply find your inner self after a storm. Each song I write is like a small metaphorical tale but there’s no specific messages or ideologies behind it. In fact, the myth of Icarus is only a good starting point for broader (and maybe darker) stories about mankind.
Could you name a song which has a strong influence upon you? (a song from the latest album)
I would say that there’s many songs who inspired us to compose this album. Some might have maybe a more or less strong influence on us depending on the mood we were in at the time.
Are you influenced or inspired by other bands or artists?
Of course we have many sources of inspiration, but most importantly each member has its own influences. Come touring with us and you’ll see five guys, each with their own mp3 player, fighting to have access to the USB cable of the van’s radio, and desperately criticising the winner’s tastes. But in the end, this diversity of influences is very appreciated and inspiring for us.
Tell me in few words what music means to you.
Words can’t express what music means to us, that’s why we compose music to express it. 😉
Let’s talk a bit about the artwork of the album. Can you tell us who did this one and if there is a specific meaning behind it?
The artist behind the artwork of Resilience is a talented illustrator based in Paris named Synckop. He has done numerous posters and gorgeous artworks for several bands, magazines and theaters. Being a graphic designer myself it was really interesting and inspiring to have someone else giving his own vision of When Icarus Falls’ music. I don’t know if there’s a specific meaning behind it but it perfectly suits this album.
Are you touring now to promote Resilience…and I will ask you a question which I ask many other bands too, will you come to Romania as well?
As we book all of our show in the DIY mode, we never found a contact for Romania. Sorry, maybe next time!
Thanks a lot for this interview. I wish you guys all the best on your tour and with the future. Is there anything you would like to add for Din Intunerec readers?
Thanks a lot for this wonderful interview and for your tremendous patience! We thank all the people who support us and share our music. Peace!
You can listen the full album here