New names confirmed @ Artmania 2017

The best voice of Symphonic Metal in Europe and probably one of the best singers in the world, Tarja Turunen is the latest name confirmed at ARTmania festival, taking place in Sibiu, July 28-29, 2017. The Finnish soprano and piano singer, renowned for being the vocalist in Nightwish, will present her latest release for the first time in Transylvania, in a concert to be held on Saturday, July 29, in Sibiu Big Square. Tarja, an exceptionally ambitious soprano, an impecable technique and a profound and viguros rock spirit, comes to Sibiu with “The Shadows Show” Tour, started at the end of last year to promote her latest materials, “The Brightest Void” EP and “The Shadow Self” album.

Also, the Germans Beyond The Black, heroes of European Symphonic rock, confirmed their presence in Sibiu. Placed on the first positions in German and Austrian tops, Beyond the Black are appreciated as leaders of the continental metal music by critics, who consider their latest album, “Lost in Forever”, an incredible demonstration of virtuosity, an explosion of creative sensibility.

Walkways is another add at ARTmania line-up, the Israeli starts of alternative  rock new wave, a young band earning their fame through the genius manner of putting together strong riffs and lyrical parts of remarcable delicacy. Tarja, Beyond The Black and Walkways are the latest names confirmed to the 12th edition of ARTmania festival, next to other four important bands: Lacuna Coil, Riverside, You And Me At Six si Devin Townsend Project.

Two-days passes are available on eventim.ro, iabilet.ro and kopostor.ro. The promotional tickets are sold out, therefore the price for one pass in pre-sale is 190 RON.



Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1774267406145690/?active_tab=discussion



Cea mai buna voce de metal simfonic din Europa si probabil una dintre cele mai bune cantarete ale lumii, Tarja Turunen este noul nume confirmat pe afisul Festivalului ARTmania, eveniment care va avea loc la Sibiu, in perioada 28-29 iulie 2017. Soprana si pianista finlandeza, care a obtinut faima internationala ca solista a trupei Nightwish, isi va prezenta noul album, in premiera in Transilvania, intr-un concert care va avea loc sambata, 29 iulie, in Piata Mare din Sibiu. Tarja, o soprana cu o ambitie exceptionala, o tehnica impecabila si un spirit rock viguros si profund, vine la Sibiu in cadrul turneului “The Shadows Show”, inceput la finalul anului trecut pentru promovarea celor mai recente dintre materialele sale, EP-ul “The Brightest Void” si albumul “The Shadow Self”.

Si germanii Beyond The Black, eroi ai rock-ului simfonic european, au confirmat venirea la Sibiu. Pe primele locuri in topurile germane si austriece, Beyond the Black sunt apreciati ca varf de lance in muzica metal continentala, de criticii muzicali, care considera ca cel mai recent album al lor, “Lost in Forever”, este o incredibila demonstratie de virtuozitate, o explozie de sensibilitate creativa.

Lor li se alatura Walkways pe afisul ARTmania, vedetele noului val de rock alternativ din Israel, o trupa tanara care si-a castigat faima pentru maniera geniala in care alatura reprizelor executate in forta, parti lirice, de o delicatete remarcabila. Tarja, Beyond The Black si Walkways sunt cele mai noi nume confirmate pe afisul celei de-a 12-a editii a Festivalului ARTmania, care a anuntat pana acum alte patru trupe importante: Lacuna Coil, Riverside, You And Me At Six si Devin Townsend Project.

Biletele pentru Festivalul ARTmania au fost puse in vanzare in retelele eventim.ro, iabilet.ro si pe kompostor.ro. Prima transa de bilete promotionale a fost epuizata, astfel ca in perioada de pre-sale, pretul unui abonament este de 190 de lei.



Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1774267406145690/?active_tab=discussion

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