Hello Daniel and thank you for honoring my invitation! In the first instance introduce your band to our readers
Hello Miruna ! We are Spinecrusher from Bucharest. The first incarnation of the band took shape in December 2008 when Radu , Matei (our former drummer) and I started rehearsing together . Soon after, in early 2009 Stefan and Andrei (our former vocalist) completed the lineup. In 2013 we released our first material, Hellthrash with Bony on vocals. In 2016 we released our first LP , Crypts of Slaughter with Vlad on drums and Andrei returning on vocals. We play a mixture on death, thrash and black metal that we like to call hellish deathrash.
When you realized that music is your passion and which were your main influences?
I realised that I want to play metal almost fourteen years ago. That was in the early 2000’s when the old bands that made history in the 80’s were reuniting and putting up new materials. Some on my main influences at that time were Judas Priest, Kataklysm , Megadeth , Kreator , Deicide , Obituary , Immortal.
What do you think about Romanian metal scene? Also about nowadays metal scene
It seems that the scene it’s getting stronger in the last period. New promoters and clubs appeared as well as some bands. Of course the scene has a lot of problems but in time I hope some of them will be solved.
Are you planning to record a new album this year?
The recordings will probably made this year but the release will have to wait until 2018. We have a lot of ideas for the new material and we don’t want to rush the process.
After some changes in the band, which is the current lineup?
Our current lineup and hopefully and final lineup is Radu on bass and vocals , Stefan on rhythm guitar , Vlad on drums and myself on lead guitar and vocals.
Choose something you’d do instead of music?
If tomorrow I would be forced to cut all ties with music I would focus more on my second biggest passion which is history.
Thank you again for your time! Would you like to add something in the end?
Thank you for the questions and keep up the good work!
photos by Gheorghe Paraschiv.