The Ruins of Beverast and Dordeduh in Bucharest and Cluj Napoca

Black Metal

The Ruins of Beverast and Dordeduh will have a concert on May 5 in Bucharest, club Jamstage, and May 6 in Cluj Napoca, Flying Circus.

It’s for the first time The Ruins of Beverast is performing in Romania, to promote their latest release, “Exuvia”, to be launch just on May 5 via Van Records.

Dordeduh will join them in both cities after a near 3 years break of live appearances in these 2 cities.

Downfall are also going to join them in Bucharest, and Descend into Despair, in Cluj Napoca.

Tickets can be found on and in their affiliated stores, such as Flanco, Unirii Subway station, Muzica, IQ BOX – Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Hard Rock Cafe, Beraria H, Perfect Tour, Uman, ZebraPay.

Tickets are 40 Ron now and they will cost 50 RON at the entrance in Bucharest, and 45 RON in Cluj Napoca.


The Ruins of Beverast si Dordeduh vor concerta in pe 5 Mai la Bucuresti in club Jamstage, respectiv pe 6 Mai la Cluj Napoca, in Flying Circus.

The Ruins of Beverast vor ajunge in premiera in Romania in cadrul acestui eveniment, urmand sa isi promoveze cel mai nou album de studio “Exuvia”, album care va fi lansat chiar pe 5 Mai 2017 prin casa de discuri Van Records.

Dordeduh vor ajunge la Bucuresti si Cluj Napoca dupa o pauza de 3 ani de la ultimele concerte pe care acestia le-au sustinut in aceste doua orase.

Li se vor alatura trupele Downfall in Bucuresti si Descend into Despair in Cluj Napoca.

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in reteaua fizica : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele  IQ BOX – Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Hard Rock Cafe, Beraria H, Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman  si pe terminalele self- service ZebraPay din toata tara.

Biletele sunt 40 RON in presale si vor putea fi luate de la intrare in ziua evenimentului, la pretul de 50 de lei in Bucuresti si 45 RON in Cluj-Napoca.

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