Wednesday, 17th of May 2017, starting 20:00 hours (for public access), you are invited in Presa Pub (2nd Culmea Veche St., Bucharest) for a Finish Doom evening.
HORIZON OF THE MUTE (slow dark doom metal/Finlanda)
The solo project of Jani Koskela (ex Let Me Dream, ex 0xist). Launched in 2015, Horizon of the Mute performs a mix of slow dark doom/death metal with drone, industrial and electro influences. Their lyrics refers to the exploring of the unknown.
SPHERA NOCTIS (landscape metal/Bucuresti)
An unexpected come back, after a 12 years break! Started as a pagan / black metal band, Sphera Noctis reinvents itself, proposing a new approach, mysteriously wrapped in “landscape metal” label! An original music, for fine tastes!
The access is donation based – pay as you wish – to cover the accommodation and transport costs.
Photo and filming are allowed during concert. Acces with drinks from outside the club is forbidden. There will be a CD and T-shirt stand at the venue.
A Metal Under Moonlight event.
Miercuri, 17 mai 2017, incepand cu ora 20:00 (ora la care va fi permis accesul publicului), va invitam la Presa Pub (str. Culmea veche nr 2, Bucuresti), unde va avea loc o seara de doom finlandez.
HORIZON OF THE MUTE (slow dark doom metal/Finlanda)
Proiectul solo al lui Jani Koskela (ex Let Me Dream, ex 0xist). Lansat in 2015, Horizon of the Mute propune un amestec de slow dark doom/death metal cu drone, industrial si influente electronice. Versurile Horizon of the Mute se refera la explorarea necunoscutului.
SPHERA NOCTIS (landscape metal/Bucuresti)
O neasteptata revenire pe scena, dupa o pauza de 12 ani! Pornit la drum ca o trupa pagan/black metal, in 2017 Sphera Noctis se reinventeaza, propunand o noua abordare, misterios invaluita in etichetarea “landscape metal”! O muzica originala, pentru un public cu gusturi fine!
Pret acces: donatie, pentru acoperirea costurilor de transport si de cazare
Pe durata concertului sunt permise fotografiatul si filmatul. Este interzis accesul cu bauturi aduse din afara clubului. Stand de CDuri si tricouri la acest concert.
Eveniment sub egida Metal Under Moonlight.