Wolfbrigade and Execration at Old Grave Fest VI

Thrash Metal Fest

It’s been a while since punk and metal started collecting common elements and, setting aside phenomena like Motorhead and Discharge that still haunt the basements of both genres, it’s hard to say which one of them has had a larger influence on the other since the 80s. However, nowhere across the extreme music spectrum, be it metal or punk, is the kinship as obvious as in d-beat/crust, and Wolfbrigade, the second headliner of Old Grave Fest 2017, is here to muddy the waters even more.

Founded in 1995 under the Wolfpack moniker, the band changes name around 1998 for ideological reasons. With 8 albums under their banner, a ninth is just coming up and it looks like it will be devastating. For sure the style is within the confines of d-beat/crust, but as is the case for Disfear or Martyrdöd, the metal influence is so strong to raise some eyebrows, and we’re not even talking about tracks like Catch-22 that makes you see Lemmy’s ghost tipping his hat, but Hurricane Veins that will stop a death metal fan in his tracks or Warsaw Speedwolf – the track we’ve heard off the upcoming record – which will drive every thrasher into the mosh pit.

That said, we invite you, this October, to discuss what the deal is with punk and metal, over a beer, but make it early, because by the time Wolfbrigade take to the stage, things will be mixed up again, we hope, to the satisfaction of everybody present in the Claudiu Petre hall of club fabrica.

Those that are familiar with us know that we like to keep our promises and the same can be said about Execration, the band that had to cancel their show at Old Grave Fest 2016 but made every possible effort to play for us, and finally they are back at their rightful place on the Old Grave Fest 2017 poster.

What can we tell you about Execration that you don’t know already? Three excellent death metal records – Syndicate of Lethargy (2008), Odes of the Occult (2011) and Morbid Dimensions (2014), the latter having won the Spellemann award, also known as the Norwegian Grammy, offer an unique and ever evolving approach to the genre. A new album is on the way and that can only make us wonder what nooks and crannies the Norwegians will get to explore now, and what better place and time to find out than OGF 2016?!

Old Grave Fest VI, 13-14 October 2017, Club Fabrica, Bucharest, Romania. Two days passes, at the price of 130 lei/29 eur, can be found on RTMC website, on www.iabilet.ro, in Private Hell Bar (Strada Soarelui 5, Bucuresti), at Titus Constantinescu (tel. 0722814991) or directly from Romanian Thrash Metal Club members.




A trecut ceva vreme de cand metal-ul si punk-ul au inceput sa colectioneze puncte comune si, lasand la o parte fenomenele Motorhead si Discharge care inca bantuie subsolurile ambelor genuri, incepand cu anii ’80, cu greu mai poti spune care din ele a avut o mai mare influenta asupra celuilalt. Nicaieri in spectrul muzical extrem, insa, fie el metal sau hibrid de punk, incuscrirea nu e atat de evidenta ca in cazul d-beat crust, iar Wolfbrigade, cel de-al doilea headliner al Old Grave Fest 2017 e aici sa ne incurce si mai tare.

Infiintata in 1995 cu numele de Wolfpack, trupa isi schimba numele din motive ideologice in Wolfbrigade in preajma anului 1998 si astazi are la activ opt albume de studio plus un al noualea pe teava si care se anunta demolator. In mod cert, stilul abordat de trupa e un fel de definitie a d-beat crust-ului, dar, ca si in cazul Disfear sau Martyrdöd, influentele metal sunt atat de puternice incat ii fac pe multi sa mustaceasca, si aici nu vorbim despre piese ca „Catch 22”, unde parca il vezi pe Lemmy salutandu-te cu mana la palarie, ci despre „Hurricane Veins” care iti ridica deather-ul de pe scaun sau, cum e cazul singurei piese scurse pana acum de pe noul album, „Warsaw Speedwolf”, care iti va trimite toti thrasherii sa dea ture de sala.

Asadar, va asteptam in octombrie sa discutam temeinic la o bere care e treaba cu metal-ul si cu punk-ul, dar sa fie mai devreme, pentru ca la sfarsitul serii, pe scena se vor urca cei de la Wolfbrigade si lucrurile se vor amesteca din nou, speram noi, spre satisfactia tuturor speciilor prezente in sala Claudiu Petre din clubul Fabrica.

Cei care ne cunosc stiu ca incercam sa ne respectam promisiunile si acest lucru se pare ca e valabil si pentru Execration, trupa care a fost nevoita sa isi anuleze aparitia la Old Grave Fest 2016, dar a facut toate eforturile pentru a se revansa si, iata ca acum isi regaseste locul de cinste pe afisul OGF 2017.

Ce ar mai fi de spus despre Execration? Trei albume excelente de death metal, „Syndicate of Lethargy” (2008), „Odes of the Occult” (2011) si „Morbid Dimensions” (2014), ultimul castigand premiul Spellemann, echivantul norvegian al unui Grammy, ne prezinta o abordare unica si in continua evolutie a genului. Faptul ca un nou album e pe drum nu ne poate face decat sa ne intrebam ce cotloane ascunse ale death metal-ului vor mai decoperi norvegienii si cel mai bun loc pentru a afla asta este fara indoiala OGF 2017!

Old Grave Fest VI va avea loc ȋn zilele de 13 si 14 octombrie 2017, la Club Fabrica, ȋn Bucuresti. Abonamente la pret de 130 lei se gasesc pe website-ul RTMC, pe www.iabilet.ro, in Private Hell Bar (strada Soarelui, 5, Bucuresti), la Titus Constantinescu (telefon 0722814991) sau direct de la membrii RTMC.

Lineup-ul anuntat pȃna acum arata astfel: NECROPHOBIC (Suedia), WOLFBRIGADE (Suedia), GEHENNAH (Suedia), ATOMKRAFT (Regatul Unit), EMBRACE OF THORNS (Grecia), UNDERGANG (Danemarca), EXECRATION (Norvegia), ANGEL OF DAMNATION (Germania), BLACKEVIL (Germania), EXTIRPATION (Italia), SARINVOMIT (Turcia), KROSSBURST (Italia /Norvegia), HELLRIPPER (Marea Britanie). Mai multe detalii in curand!

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