Kuoleman Galleria – Monday, April 10, at Presa Club, Bucharest

Finnish Black'n'Roll


The schedule for Monday, April 4, changes as follows:

Programul serii de 4 aprilie se modifica dupa cum urmeaza:

20.00 – general access / acces public
20.30-21.00 Voievod In Jale
21.20-22.20 Kuoleman Galleria


In Bucharest, at Presa Club, an original concert will happen. The Fins from Kuoleman Galleria will arrive for the first time in Romania, while the opening act Voievod In Jale is at their debut on stage!


The band creates a music without limitations, and impossible to label. If we were to give it a name, we will call it some kind of black’n’roll resulting from their groovy songs. The concert in Presa Club is part of the “Perkele Rises European Tour”, promoting their first album, launched over a year ago.



Launched in August 2016, Voeivod In Jale will have their first concert on April 10! The band performs “yearning black metal”, mixed with Romanian old school hard rock with folklore influences.


PRESA PUB (2nd Culmea Veche St., Bucharest).

Monday 10 of April 2017, 20.00 hour (starting access).

Photo and filming are allowed during concert. The access with drinks brought from outside the club is not allowed. At the concert you’ll find a stand with CDs and t-shirts.

Ticket price: 15 lei (only available at the entrance)

A Metal Under Moonlight Event, 68th edition.

Cover Photo: Maija Saari



Un concert cu totul inedit va avea loc in Bucuresti, in Club Presa. Finlandezii de la Kuoleman Galleria vor ajunge in premiera in Romania, in timp ce Voievod In Jale, trupa din deschidere, debuteaza scenic!


Formatia creaza o muzica fara limite, care nu se supune vreunei etichetari. Standard totusi, ca sa ii dam o directie, o putem numi un soi de black’n’roll rezultat din piesele lor groovy. Concertul din Club Presa face parte din turneul “Perkele Rises European Tour”, care promoveaza primul album, lansat in urma cu un an.



Formata in august 2016, trupa Voievod In Jale se afla pe 10 aprilie la primul sau concert! Trupa se incadreaza in zona “black metal de jale”, combinat cu old school hard rock romanesc si cu influente folclorice.



PRESA PUB (Str. Culmea Veche nr. 2, Bucuresti).

Luni 10 aprilie 2017, ora 20.00 (ora de la care se permite accesul publicului).

Pe durata concertului sunt permise fotografiatul si filmatul. Este interzis accesul cu bauturi aduse din afara clubului. Stand de CDuri si tricouri la acest concert.

Pret bilet: 15 lei (biletele se vor vinde numai in seara concertului, la intrare)

Eveniment sub egida Metal Under Moonlight, editia a 68-a.

Cover Photo: Maija Saari


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