Programul evenimentului:
Acces public: 18.30
Dead Void: 19.30-20.00
Sincarnate: 20.15-21.00
Root: 21.20-22.30
Cardinal: 22.45-23.30
Nu, nu e o pacaleala de 1 aprilie! Chiar se intampla! La aproape 3 ani de la apreciata lor aparitie lor in cadrul Old Grave Fest III, monstrii sacri ai metalului ceh, Root, revin la Bucuresti pentru un show special, de aniversare a trei decenii de cariera, intr-un format inedit, alaturi de 3 invitati, trupe de elita din undergroundul autohton.
Creatori ai unui mix unic de black si epic heavy metal, emotional si intunecat, Big Boss & co. ne vor oferi un periplu prin vasta lor discografie, ințesată de albume legendare ca The Temple in the Underworld, Zjevení sau The Book, si vor prezenta in premiera doua piese de pe noul lor album Kärgeräs – Return from Oblivion, o continuare conceptuala a capodoperei Kärgeräs din 1996.
Pe scena alaturi de Root vor urca Dead Void (death metal, Copenhaga), Sincarnate (doom/death metal, Bucuresti) si Cardinal (garage rock/psychedelic/stoner doom, Constanta)
Sambata 01.04.2017, club Fabrica. Biletele vor costa 45 lei si se vor gasi exclusiv la intrare, in ziua concertului. Un eveniment marca Romanian Thrash Metal Club.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1859754870978403/
At almost three years from their much appraised apparition at Old Grave Fest III, the sacred monsters of Root, will return in Bucharest for a special show, an anniversary of three decades of career, in a very special format, beside three guests, elite bands from the Romanian underground scene.
The creators of an unique mix of Black and Epic Heavy Metal, emotional and dark, Big Boss & co. will offer us a trip through their vast discography, from legendary albums such as The Temple in the Underworld, Zjvenei or The Book, and they will reveal the first two songs of their new album, Kärgeräs – Return from Oblivion, a conceptual continuation of Kärgeräs from 1996.
Other guests are Dead Void (Death Metal,Copenhagen), Sincarnate (Doom/Death Metal, Bucharest) and Cardinal (Garage Rock/Psychedelic/Stoner Doom, Constanta)
The event will take place of Saturday, 01.02.2017, Fabrica Club. Tickets will be available only on concert night at the price of 45 Lei. Event made by Romanian Thrash Metal Club.