R.I.P. Gabriel “Negru” Mafa

Negură Bunget

Cu tristete si surprindere, va anuntam ca Gabriel “Negru” Mafa, tobosar si unul din membrii fondatori ai legendarei trupe romanesti de Black Metal Atmospheric Negură Bunget, nu mai este printre noi.

Decesul artistului a fost confirmat de Tibor Kati (voce / chitara / clape in Negură Bunget):

“Cu durere in suflete, va informam despre moartea prietenului si colegului nostru, Gabriel Mafa “Negru”, care a murit astazi, 21 martie 2017, la varsta de 42 de ani. Regretam profund incetarea din viata a omului care a cladit si sustinut Negura Bunget, si care s-a dedicat intreaga viata lucrurilor sacre din cultura noastra, aducand-o la viata prin muzica si transmitand-o diverselor generatii de pretutindeni. Speram ca legatia sa va continua sa incante si sa consoleze pe aceia pe care i-a lasat in urma. Cu regret si tristete, transmitem sincere condoleante familiei sale, si acelora care l-au cunoscut si indragit in aceasta viata.”

Negură Bunget a luat nastere in 1995 sub numele de Wiccan Rede, ulterior schimbandu-si numele si lansand albumul “Zîrnindu-să”. Trupa a lansat albume de o valoare incontestabila, precum Sala Molksa (EP), Maiastru sfetnic, ‘N crugu bradului, Om, Vîrstele pămîntului, a semnat cu casa de discuri germana Prophecy Production in 2007, si a sustinut numeroase turnee de-a lungul timpului in Europa si Statele Unite. Asa cum declara trupa, Negură Bunget este “o prezenta puternica si intunecata, de natura intensa, conectata cu natura locala si cu spiritul ei, urcand si coborand, luand forma printre norii prezentului. O putem simti uneori acolo, dar nu o putem atinge. Doar cu mintea si sufletul curate ne putem apropia de prezenta ei. Asa intelegem conceptul Negură Bunget. Negură Bunget este ceata neagra ce se ridica dintr-o padure intunecoasa si vesnica. Este un nume simbolic care incearca sa ilustreze tipul de atmosfera muzicala si spirituala pe care ne-ar placea s-o transmitem prin muzica noastra. Cele doua cuvinte vin din limba romana cu fond tracic (cea mai veche, continand aprox. 90 de cuvinte), deoarece interesul pentru istoria locala si spiritualitate este de o importanta vitala pentru noi ca si trupa.”

Este o pierdere grea pentru scena underground si un moment tragic pentru prieteni si familie. Vom pretui intotdeauna muzica pe care a creat-o, si care va ramane mereu in sufletele noastre:



We are shocked and sad to announce that Gabriel “Negru” Mafa, drummer and one of the founding members of legendary Romanian Atmospheric Black Metal band Negură Bunget, is no longer with us.

The musician’s passing away was confirmed by Tibor Kati (vocal / guitars / keyboards in Negură Bunget):

“With great grief in our souls, we inform you that our friend and colleague, Gabriel “Negru” Mafa, passed today, March 21st 2017, aged 42.

We deeply regret the death of the man who founded and maintained Negură Bunget, and who dedicated his life to the sacred side of our culture, bringing it to life through music and transmitting it to various generations from all over the world.

We hope that his legacy will continue to enchant and console those whom he left behind.

With regret and sadness, we offer our condolences to his family and to those who knew and cherished him in this life.”

Negură Bunget was born in under the name of Wiccan Rede, later changing its name and releasing the album “Zîrnindu-să”. The band released unquestionable masterpieces such as Sala Molksa (EP), Maiastru sfetnic, ‘N crugu bradului, Om, Vîrstele pămîntului, signed a contract with the renowned German Label Prophecy Production since 2007, and toured all over Europe and US. The band explained what is the meaning behind its name: “A powerful dark presence of an intense nature, connected with the local nature and with its spirit, ascending and descending, shaping through the clouds of the present. You can sometimes feel it is there, but you cannot grab it. Only your clean mind and soul can came close of its presence. From the very beginning we shaped ourselves into relating with it, so that is now part of us. That’s how we understand Negură Bunget. Negură Bunget is a black fog coming from a deep dark dense forest. The name tries to picture somehow the kind of atmosphere, both musical and spiritual we’d want to create through our music. It has also a symbolical nature, standing for the inexpressible parts of our ideology. The two words are also from the Tracic substrate of the Romanian language (the oldest one, containing about 90 words) as the interest for our local history and spirituality is something of crucial importance and meanings for us as a band.”

It is a huge loss for the Underground Scene and a tragic moment for all of his friends and family. We will always cherish the music that he created, and that forever remains with us.

2 Comments on this post.
  • Bablofil
    23 March 2017 at 1:05 am
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    Thanks, great article.

  • roza
    24 March 2017 at 11:28 am
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    🙁 Nu imi vine sa cred ,parca toti cei buni sunt chemati sus.Condoleante Familiei,prietenilor si tutror ce l-am indragit:-((

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