Suedezii de la GRÁ se intorc in Romania pentru cea de a doua editie a festivalului Rites of the black Mass 2017. Festivalul se va desfasura in perioada 19-21 octombrie.
Trupa a luat fiinta in anul 2010 unde Heljarmadr ( Dark Funeral, Cursed 13) si Dimman( Spazmosity, Cursed 13). Majoritatea pieselor sunt bazate pe conceptul de moarte, majoritatea versurilor fiind in limba suedeza. Daca va placut show-ul suedezilor din toamna anului trecut sigur o sa vreti sa ii vedeti din nou !
Discografia trupei:
Helfärd – EP 2010, Grá- Full lenght 2011, Necrology of the Witch- EP 2013, Ending- Full lenght 2015.
FB Oficial page:
Encyclopaedia Metallum:
The second edition of the Rites of the Black Mass Festival which will take place between 19th and 21st of October 2017.
Grá was formed in 2010 by Heljarmadr (Cursed 13, Domgård, Dark Funeral) and Dimman (Spazmosity, Cursed 13). The band has since then released an EP, two full lenght albums, a mini-CD, two singles, a full live video, numerous live concerts and several music videos.
Grá performs classic Swedish styled black metal, singing mainly in their native tongue. Since the beginning up until now all releases have been focused around the concept of death. From the longing for death, to the dying and further on to the passage to the other side. If you liked them the first time they were to Romania you need to see em again!
Be there or be sorry!