Rites of the Black Mass

14 - 15 October, 2016, Bucharest, Romania

On the night of 14th October we had the pleasure to attend at the very first edition of the only festival in Romania that mainly concentrates on Black Metal and yes I am talking about Rites of the Black Mass Festival that occurred in Club Fabrica,Bucharest.First of all I would like to congratulate Live Nation Promotions for taking the initiative to organize such a festival.Now regarding the lineup for that night,it was made of the following bands:

The Stone
Infernal War


The first band to hit the stage were Dimholt,a bulgarian  Psychedelic Black Metal band but with a special guest on the vocals,Déhà the man behind projects as Aurora Borealis,Sources of I and C.O.A.G. .First of all I would like to say that the idea of doing the full set with two vocals was a great one,Woundheir and Déhà managing to deliver both an very dinamic show and an excellent perfomance,successfully opening the first edition of Rites of the Black Mass Festival.

The second band was the italians of Selvans,an atmospheric black metal band hailing from Abruzzo.This somehow mystic band managed to send the public towards an surreal experiance,but unfortunately their set had to be stopped at a certain moment due to a faulty header.As soon as the header was replaced,the band successfully continued their set without any other issue.
Outre were the next band,a very fine quartet from Krakow,Poland,the band successfully delivering an outstanding show but with less dynamic compared to the first two bands,although this didn’t stopped the crowd to enjoy the whole set.So the next band was The Stone,one of the oldest bands on the lineup,hailing from Belgrade,Serbia,a band which hails nihilism and misanthropy ,their vocalist,Nefas,managing to deliver a very dynamic show both due to his performance and his stage gear,as he boldly just crushed the scene,but unfortunately they had to deal with the same problem as Selvans,that leading to a delay in the presented schedule.

The show continued with Inferno,one of the oldest band present at the fest,hailing from Czech Republic.Their setlist was mainly composed by tracks from the latest release,Omniabsence Filled by His Greatness,that combined with the somehow dark and mystic appearance,resulted in an excellent performance.As the evening came closer and closer towards the end,one of the main headliners hit the stage and yeah it was the time for some blasphemy coming from the almighty Infernal War,one of the oldest and fiercest projects of war black metal hailing from the lands of Poland.

With their latest release,Axiom,being received as one of the best albums on the worldwide scene,the expectations were high and let me tell you,they didn’t disappointed us at all! With a very strong scene presence and with a crushing,raw and unforgiven attitude they simply ripped apart both the scene and the crowd with their war chants.The time passed amazingly fast during their show and before I even realized it was the time for the main headliner,the black/death metal duo known as Bölzer,hailing from the icy lands of Switzerland.Before I actually start to talk about the sho w I must say that I was quite amazed by the whole festival so far even with the technical problems and the delay caused by them.Now even if I am not such a big fan of Bölzer I have t o say that I was impressed by them,the fact that only it takes usually four or five people to actually create an atmosphere and they succed that with only two members,and yes they pulled a hell of a show even if it was already late enough and people were tired.With a steady and very accurate performance they managed to keep the crows hooked up through the whole set.

Now,we came to the end of this review and let’s settle down the positive and negative sides:first of all the location itself is not a bad one even if an event like this would be more suitable in an open venue.Now for the staff,I can only say one word about them:outstanding,from the people at the entrance to the technical staff,by the way congratulations Green Sound Team for the effort and quickness in solving the problems that occurred.Concerning the bands,a big and loud hails for all of them and respect for the professionalism shown on stage.Again many thanks to Live Nation Promotions for the initiative and for making all of these happen. In our opinion this first rite was a successful one even if not flawless,but the effort put in making was fully seen and by the way things are moving,the second rite announces to rise up at least to the standards of the first one.Hails!

review by Balent Adrian.

photo gallery here: https://www.facebook.com/DinIntunerec/?pnref=lhc

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